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Do you want to live longer?

You only have one body. And you only get one life. I absolutely love life & I'm on a personal mission to enjoy it as long as physically possible. It’s become my personal mission to live to 120. So, how does one achieve this?
Hi, I’m Vicki Nguyen, entrepreneur, health crusader and former yoga teacher. I founded the One Body One Life Podcast as a result of my desire to live a longer, stronger, happier & healthier life. 


After many years of experience in the health and wellness space, I recognised there are a plethora of different modalities available for someone in the pursuit of wanting a solid lifespan, matched the with healthspan to go with it.

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For some of us, eating the right foods is the key to success. For others, the answer lies in deep meditation and reflection at the end of every day. 

By speaking to figureheads from around the world, I have now collated a database of wellness principles that my listeners can experiment with and implement into their lives accordingly.  


I encourage you to listen with an open mind & an open heart; many of the topics/concepts you may already be familiar with. They will simply serve as a nice reminder or reinforcement that you are already on the right path. Whereas, some concepts may be completely new. I encourage you to explore & research further to aid you in your longevity plan. 


It’s up to us as individuals to figure out what is practical to incorporate into our daily lives. 
And at One Body One Life, we're here to help make the information easy to understand and the practitioners easy to access. Let's turn your desired lifespan into a reality.

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About Vicki Nguyen

It's nice to meet you

If you’ve seen me around before, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. I am the founder of Jomeis Fine Foods, a brand passionate about ridding the blurry lines around ‘healthy’ foods, so you can eat wholesome meals that not only taste great, but does good for you!


As mentioned I am on a health journey to live until I am 120 years old, and I know that the only way to do this is to live well, adhere to my daily non-negotiables, choose great products, fuel my body with nutritionally dense options and prioritise my mental & physical health.

I am always eager to speak with professionals and experts in their respective fields to learn about their opinions on holistic health and wellbeing.


I know that not every suggestion will be suited to my lifestyle, just as they won’t all be suited to yours. But, by creating a database of information for people to embrace, I can help more people embark on a quest to realise their longevity potential. 


The One Body One Life Podcast is my way of helping you understand that good health practices and wellness can change your life. 

Will you come on this journey with me?

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